Jorge Vilda Speaks Out: The Ousted Spanish Women’s Football Coach Breaks His Silence on ‘Unfair’ Firing Amid RFEF Scandal

Jorge Vilda

Alright soccer fans, let’s dig deep into what’s cooking in Spain’s soccer scene, specifically with the women’s national team. Remember Jorge Vilda? The guy who led the Spanish women’s team to some fantastic wins and got a four-year contract extension just 10 days ago? Well, he’s been fired, and he’s not mincing his words about it. His sacking came like a bolt from the blue, especially after he just bagged a World Championship title for Spain. Let’s unpack this bit by bit.

The Whirlwind 16 Days

Vilda, in an interview with the Spanish sports radio show “El Larguero,” detailed his roller-coaster of a month. Imagine this:

  • World Champions: 16 days ago, he’s celebrating a world title.
  • Contract Extension: 10 days ago, the man’s penning a four-year extension with RFEF (Royal Spanish Football Federation).
  • The Sacking: And boom, today he’s unemployed, citing structural changes as the reason behind his sacking.

Talk about a wild ride, right?

The Successor: Montse Tomé

In an even more surprising turn of events, Montse Tomé, his deputy, will be taking the helm. She’s the first woman ever to coach Spain’s national women’s team. Vilda was gracious enough to congratulate Tomé, despite his feelings about the situation.

Jorge Vilda after match

The Curious Case of Luis Rubiales

Now, if you’re wondering what this has to do with the RFEF president, Luis Rubiales, and the infamous “unwanted kiss” at the Women’s World Cup, buckle up because this part gets juicy. Rubiales is currently serving a 90-day suspension by FIFA due to that “mutual” kiss, a claim that the player, Jennifer Hermoso, fervently denied.

Vilda’s Applause: An Awkward Moment Explained

So, why did Vilda applaud during Rubiales’ controversial speech on “fake feminism” at RFEF’s Extraordinary General Assembly?

  • Awkward Timing: According to Vilda, he thought Rubiales was going to announce his resignation, and when the president started praising his work, he felt compelled to clap.
  • Peer Pressure: Being in a room where nearly 150 people stand and applaud makes it difficult to be the only one sitting.

However, Vilda expressed regret for applauding, stating he would never support anything sexist or against feminism.

A Statement to Clear the Air?

Let’s not forget the statement that circulated last month, signed by more than 80 individuals, including members of the World Cup-winning squad, calling for a leadership change in Spanish soccer. Vilda clarified that he didn’t think it was directed at him.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jorge Vilda got fired despite his team’s recent successes and a freshly signed contract extension.
  • Montse Tomé will be Vilda’s successor, making history in the process.
  • Vilda’s sacking and the Rubiales scandal might be more intertwined than we initially thought.
  • The coach’s public approval of Rubiales during a controversial speech was a complex and awkward situation, not an endorsement of the president’s stance on feminism.

Vilda has expressed his confusion and dismay at the firing, stating that he’s given 100% to women’s football in Spain for 17 years. So, where does this leave Spanish women’s soccer? A rising powerhouse now finds itself embroiled in controversies that could very well shake its foundations.

For now, Vilda is walking away, bewildered but with his head held high, leaving us to ponder what will come next in this unfolding drama. And for Montse Tomé, it’s a tall order to fill, inheriting a team clouded by politics and unexpected departures.

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About the Author

Born in Liverpool in 1984, Ian Fletcher, a distinguished betting expert, attained a Master’s in Sports Analytics from the University of Manchester in 2010. Between 2011 and 2019, he was engaged with various English football clubs, focusing on tactical analysis and player performance metrics. Fletcher has contributed to 12 academic papers, emphasizing the role of game tempo and set-piece efficiency. In 2020, he transitioned into the realm of journalism. Presently, Fletcher authors in-depth analytical pieces on football, exploring game dynamics and team strategies, and his expertise is sought after by numerous sports platforms.

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